ShoeBox DOJO

The smallest Dojo in Town

Stargader Straße 61, 10437 Berlin

+49 (0) 163 - 971 69 57


DOJO: The Place of path and development.

The dojo opened in January 2024 in "Star61".

Literally in the store window, it offers us a home.

The mat allows us to train floor work. We are equipped with pads, protectors, and training weapons. There are also sanitary facilities for showering, so you can go to the office refreshed after an early morning session.


Stargader Straße 61

10437 Berlin


Giving people a sense of security is my greatest motivation.

As a teenager and young adult, I competed at German and European championships in several styles. In competition, the fighter is bound by rules. The true soul of fighting, however, lies in the realistic threat in which you have to defend yourself using all available means if necessary - and this credo shapes effective self-defense in my sense. A fight under realistic street conditions should be avoided at all costs. Only a fight avoided is a fight won.

I am the founder of the system offered here and am constantly refining the MMD. I have gained experience in various styles. Judo, Taekwon Do and Kickboxing were followed by Wing Tsun and later Jeet Kune Do.

My training as an all-rounder began with Bruce Lee's open-style principles - always with the aspect of applicability in self-defense situations in mind.

This was followed by Escrima / Kali, Thai Boxing, Grappling, Anti-Terror-Kampf, All-Style-Self-Defense, classic Boxing, Karate and excursions into various Wing Tsun systems.

I formulated my idea of self-defense around 2010. Over the course of several years, I developed a system that is geared towards maximum efficiency. I wanted to give people a sense of security in as short a time as possible. Free of charge - in parks, schoolyards or sometimes in my living room.

I have since gained international experience. MMD continues to evolve and has found a home in the new "Shoebox Dojo", which I am particularly looking forward to developing.

I invite every form of exchange, every critic, every opinion, and everyone interested in self-defense to great importance to quality exchange, have always studied martial arts and never really wanted to establish a new style. My interest lies in authentic exchange, not in claiming to be incorrigible.